Medical Writing – Tips on how to “kill your darlings”

Medical Writing Road

The purpose of medical writing is not to satisfy or memorialize the author(s), we all know that. Medical writing is about communicating health and medical-related information to the intended audience clearly and appropriately. Health journalism, medical education, medical promotion of healthcare products, scientific publications and presentations, grant applications and regulatory documents are only a few […]

10 tips for promoting your research online

Promoting your research online is crucial, especially if you need to demonstrate and provide proof of the impact of your work in your field. Possible examples are when applying for new funding or striving for a promotion or tenure. But how to best approach this task when time is scarce? Here are some tips that […]

13 reasons why manuscripts are rejected and how to best avoid them

teacher giving advice on manuscript writing

Don’t we all know the feeling of disappointment when we get our manuscripts rejected? Of course, we might have had a suspicion before that it could happen. Hours of research and writing just seem to crumble before our eyes leaving us frustrated and alone with the most burning question: “Why?”. As a matter of fact, […]

Publication Plan? Mandatory!

Planning a medical publication

If you are thinking about publishing your work, consider writing a simple publishing plan. Why? Because a written strategy will help you reflect on what you want to accomplish by publishing your work. Researchers often forget about strategy because they are so excited about their results and findings that they just want to pack every […]

How to create a good visual for your Medical Writing

Good Visual | How to create a good visual for your Medical Writing

Creating compelling visuals doesn’t have to mean reinventing the wheel. Armed with the right online software and basic design principles, even the least digitally minded writer can produce visual accompaniments to their work. Use the principles outlined in medtextpert’s feature article for the March issue of the EMWA journal to create and disseminate visual content […]

Graphical Abstracts Made Easy And In Style

person on pc designing graphical abstract

Having understood the added value of a graphical abstract (GA), explained in Part 1 of our “Show, don’t tell” series, the next step is to define how it should be designed and how it can best be used. It is advisable to spend enough time on design, composition and visual appearance to highlight the most […]

Why Your Scientific Publications Need A Graphical Abstract

visual transmission of information to brain

Scientific publishing hasn’t changed a lot since I was born, and that was quite a while ago. It is standardized and has worked efficiently for authors and publishers alike. The optimal article outline consists of title, abstract, background, materials and methods, results and discussion. Add some dreary tables and result diagrams, and years of research […]