LinkedIn Article, Blog Post or both – which is more effective?

Blog Post or LinkedIn Article

LinkedIn articles are becoming increasingly popular and generate good engagement. Blog posts shared via LinkedIn, on the other hand, at least seem to be losing popularity. How could this be explained? Well, there is a wealth of objective and subjective possibilities and reasons for this, including the nature of the article, who is publishing or […]

Reel Your Audience With Inbound Marketing

Inbound Marketing Illustration

Inbound Marketing is a bit like fishing. Why? To fully understand the process you need to understand its components – Social Media, SEO, Content Creation, Lead Nurturing, Email Automation and more. Then, you have to bring these bits and pieces together to see how they work as a whole. Just like in fishing. It’s all […]

5 Content Types That Deliver Real ROI

Types of content to focus on blog cover

Content marketing is arguably the hottest topic in today’s landscape. And the opportunities are plentiful, from blogs to ebooks, podcasts to videos, and everything in between. With so many options, deciding which kind of content to create can be a tough choice. But this is significantly easier when you have a solid content strategy that is […]

Why B2B healthcare brands should consider adopting an emotional approach alongside fact-based marketing (Part 2)

excultant emotional chemist in laboratory holding up flusk

We have learned in previously why an emotional approach in B2B marketing is helping to strengthen brand experiences. And we have learned that emotions affect the decision-making process in private and business life alike. What is needed now, is an understanding of how to approach emotional marketing in business-to-business settings. How can it be put into practise, especially […]

A Guide to Meaningful B2B Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonial Quote

Customer testimonials are an extremely powerful tool for businesses. We all know that. Before buying a new gadget from Amazon, for instance, it is highly likely that we will read a few product reviews before making a purchase. In the workplace, we also look at customer feedback when trying to evaluate a product or service […]

An 11-point checklist for a more patient-centric website

Patient-centric healthcare

Recently emerging as a primary approach to healthcare, patient-centric care (PCC) focuses on cultivating a partnership between patients and healthcare professionals. It acknowledges the patients’ preferences and values, and seeks to move beyond the traditional paternalistic approach to healthcare. Read more about PCC here. Because of this rise in popularity, today’s healthcare audiences (including your prospective […]

A digital healthcare marketing strategy that scores – practical considerations

online healthcare information

Healthcare is an inherently technological industry. Organizations that cannot keep pace and are unable to implement modern medical diagnostic and treatment equipment & devices, online booking and CRM systems or secure data handling – all in a timely manner – leave themselves at risk of getting left behind. And the same is true for healthcare […]

Why changing consumer behaviour has paved the way for digital healthcare marketing

Consumer behaviour changes digital healthcare marketing

The healthcare industry as a whole is progressing rapidly, with new research and technological advances making headlines every day. However marketing trends lag behind other consumer-centric industries. Why? Perhaps because marketing strategies are treated as secondary concerns in a setting where patient care and outcomes enjoy absolute priority – and rightly so. In addition, healthcare […]